Join JC’s popular “Vendor Pop-Up” events.
Unlike our street fairs, which may feature hundreds of exhibitors, these pop-ups consist of approximately 60 hand-picked exhibitors, chosen for their uniqueness and quality items.
The types of exhibitors include arts & crafts, high-end retail, new items, fashion, health and beauty, online retailers, consumer goods, and consumer services.
Many of these Pop-Ups will feature live music, food trucks, and occasionally a free kids’ craft table (this will be noted on the event page).
These events will be listed on JC’s website calendar of events. You can book them through Booth Central. The vendor registration link will be on the event page.
See you at the shows!
JC Promotions, Inc.
PO Box 7298,
No. Arlington,
NJ 07031
Office Hours Tues - Fri, 10AM - 4PM
Phone 201.998.1144
Email [email protected]